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Induction Heating Tools
Dawell Safe Induction Heaters from JHM Butt & Co Ltd.
We offer a wide range of induction heaters from the very small to the mobile large units. Small portable units to trolley based heaters. We have a model suitable for the infrequent user right through to water cooled machines for every day use. An ideal way to get rid of oxy acetylene in your workshop and have no flames whatsoever. Bring your insurance cost down and make it safer for your staff and employees. Available with induction coils or focus coils. 1.5kw 4kw and 10kw machines available for doing popular tasks such as the removing of rusty bolts and seized old parts, heating of exhaust pipes, bolts, nuts, bearings, clamps etc. not to mention gluing, soldering, and defrosting. Induction heating will save you money as they are cheap to run and will do away with the need for expensive training on gasses and working with oxyacetylene and propane-butane torches. These units are suitable for working in the automotive garage and workshop, railway and shipbuilding industry, manufacturing, mechanical engineering, workshops, car repair shops, heating and pipeline installation, maintenance, etc As well as commercial vehicle truck workshops CV
All available for delivery throughout the UK Nationwide Delivery.