Jacking Beams for Lifts & Pits

Jacking Beams for Lifts & Pits

Quality Majorlift Jacking Beams suitable for Vehicle Lifts and Pit Installation

Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment Limited has manufactured jacking beams of the very best quality for years and has created lifting solutions for most industries. The good thing about a Major Lift Jacking beam is that the company has moved with the times. Over the past decade vehicle manufacturers have designed cars that are lower to the ground and wider & with longer suspension travel. All of these changes impact the lifting equipment requirements, especially when it comes to lifting and pit-mounted jacking beams. Our Beams are super safe as they have hose burst valves, pressure release valve prevents overloading & finger guards to comply with European machinery directive and CE marking. Each jack comes with raiser blocks as well as a rubber-topped screw pad and aluminium block that will fit anywhere over the length of the beam. This is all backed up by a massive five-year warranty for extra piece of mind.

So for a low price on a high-quality product choose JHM BUTT & Majorlift. All are available for delivery throughout the UK Nationwide Delivery.

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